Funny Things My Dad Says

My dad is the best man I know.

He's my example for how to walk with God, be a good husband and raise your kids right.

He also has a knack for saying unintentionally funny things.

One time we walked into Home Depot. Dad walked up to the first employee he saw, a woman, and asked, "Which end is your plumbing on?" Mom and I walked away quickly, choking back laughter.

He's also got a habit of pronouncing certain words incorrectly, or Canadian-ly, as the case may be.

He's not 'sorry' about something, he's 'sorey'.

He doesn't want you to 'wait' for him. He wants you to 'waint'.

He doesn't look at our family photo 'albums'. He looks at our 'alblums'.

He doesn't want 'onions' on his pizza, he wants 'ungyuns'.

But as much as I give him a hard time for his word usage, I still want to be like him. If I can be half the man my dad is, I'll consider myself a success.

I just hope the language skills don't catch on.

What? Hold on, Honey. I'm blogging. I know you want me to put that funny picture in the photo alblum of me crying while cutting the ungyuns, but you'll have to waint. Sorey!

What funny things do your folks say?